Those we care for
Center for Hospice Care serves patients who are facing life-limiting illnesses such as:
- Cancer
- Heart, lung, and liver conditions
- Alzheimer’s/Dementia
- And other life limiting diseases
In-home hospice care
Hospice care is a means of enabling patients to spend the end of their lives at home in the greatest comfort possible, and it remains our primary intent to do so. Working carefully with the patient, the family, physicians, and all other involved parties, we orchestrate our involvement for minimum disruption and maximum positive impact. This involves the coordination of many resources including professionals from medical, social work, and spiritual areas as well as volunteers. In-home services are directed by a primary caregiver for the patient – most often a family member or friend. This is the point person through which we coordinate our actions.
Inpatient care
Center for Hospice Care has the ability to deliver our services in area hospitals for short periods of time when symptoms require intensive treatments that cannot be delivered or managed in the home.
We work closely with:
• L+M Hospital
• Backus Hospital
Please contact us with any questions regarding our work in these two hospitals.
Skilled Nursing Facilities
There are times when patients are already residents of a skilled nursing facility (SNF). We are experienced in working with such organizations and coordinate our efforts with the SNFs in our geographic area as well as many assisted living facilities. This coordination ensures:
- Optimal pain and symptom control
- Access to volunteers for companionship
- Access to Complementary Therapies including:
- Massage Therapy
- Reiki
- Healing Touch
- Reflexology
- Psychosocial support for patient and family
- Spiritual support for patient and family
- Participation at Care Plan meetings
- Bereavement support for family
- Support groups and in-service education for facility staff
Caring for children with a life-threatening illness
Providing the expertise to manage the physical and emotional needs of children facing serious illnesses is part of what we do. Our work is facilitated by nurses who consult regularly with a child’s physician during treatments to provide appropriate care, and social workers who utilize play therapy and promote communication between parent and child to ease fear and anxiety. We support parents with their goals and choices for care